This collection of short fiction aims to define the sometimes indefinable and to give voice to those struggling to make sense of what life throws at them. There are those who travel in a continuous loop on London’s underground and those who dance at night with the departed. A woman confronts herself in a bedroom mirror after decades of denial and a widow finds comfort in an osteopath’s consulting room. And then there is a strange creature who falls to earth; dreams and portents; crows and folklore, and much more.
The stories are tragic and comi-tragic, but all reveal the strength and complexity of the human spirit. They bring poignant insights on grief, loss and longing and the depths and strangeness of the human psyche and how we manage to survive and just about cope.
Jane Fraser is an award-winning writer of short story, historical fiction, memoir and haibun. She lives and works in Llangennith, a small village at the north-western edge of the Gower Peninsula, south Wales, in a house facing the sea which bears the full brunt of the south-westerly wind.
Further reading
Read: The Gower Explorer, The Short Story
Review: forthcoming
Prompt: Look out the window and free write for 10 mins.