The Peculiarities of Yearning is a collection of short fiction of various lengths and genres that is pulled together by a thread of exploration of what it means to yearn: to long for, suppress, and ultimately allow what matters to emerge and be acted on – thus reflecting the journey of psychotherapy.
Stephanie Carty is a writer, trainer and NHS Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the UK. Her short fiction has been shortlisted and placed in numerous competitions including Bristol Short Story Prize, Aesthetica Creative Writing Award, Caterpillar Story for Children Prize, Bath Flash Fiction Award and Bridport Prize. Her novella-in-flash, Three Sisters of Stone, won Best Novella at the 2019 Saboteur Awards.
Further reading
Read: The Never-Quites, Never Quite, Never, The Short Story
Review: The Peculiarities of Yearning by Stephanie Carty, Ellipsis Zine
Prompt: Choose a letter. Now make a list of around 10-20 words with this letter. Pick one word from your list and begin writing. Use the same first word and continue to write at least 10 sentences. See where it takes you.